Augment your knowledge of what shoppers near your business really want
Stay up to date with real-time insights into what’s popular in your area and your industry
Benefit from emerging industry trends aggregated by NearSt to keep you on the front foot
Understand how shoppers are finding you with insights into actions they’re taking before visiting

See what locals want in real-time
NearLIVE provides you with real-time information about how shoppers near your store are searching for and finding your products.
See which of your products are being seen most often by shoppers near your store, and which are generating the most interest.
See the terms shoppers are using that are leading to interest in your products, keeping you informed about what your customers really want.
See what’s trending in your industry
Every day the NearLIVE platform captures over 100 million data points from thousands of shops and local shopper searches. We aggregate and anonymise this data so you can see emerging popular products in your industry, keeping you on the cutting edge of what customers want from week to week.
"NearSt truly drives more people into your shop. One day we had half a dozen customers- all one after the other- come into my shop asking for my products that they'd found in Google. The insights also matched what we saw in our sales reports."
Kenny Owner
Online to offline attribution
Accurately estimate in-store footfall and sales driven by local interactions online using NearLIVE’s proprietary O2O technology, without the use of any sensitive customer data.
Build a comprehensive view of your local environment
Capture dozens of different local shopper interactions in a single simple interface, helping you better understand how your customers are engaging with your business.
Products seen locally
Products popular with locals
Calls to your store
Directions to your store
Real-time local product searches
Trending local search terms
Estimated in-store footfall
Clicks-to-sales attribution