Your real-time view of local shoppers
Enhance your understanding of what local shoppers want so you can stock products you know will sell.
See what locals want in real-time
Gain insights into how shoppers near your store are searching for and finding your products, so you can optimise what you stock.
Discover which of your products are generating the most interest from local customers in Google, helping to inform your buying decisions.
See the words and phrases shoppers are typing into Google that are leading to your products, helping you to improve your product range nad promotion strategy.

See what’s trending in your industry
See what shoppers are most interested in searching for in shops similar to yours, so you can always stock the latest in-demand products. Based on over 100 million data points captured and aggregated each day, NearSt enables you to stay on the pulse of your local customers.

Retailers already leveraging NearSt insights to gain an upper hand
Using NearSt is simple
Automated set-up, 100s of EPOS integrations and our team of Google-qualified marketing experts take the hassle out of local marketing, so you can focus on running your business.
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