Local independent
NearSt automatically gets your products found by local shoppers and sends them to your store, so you can focus on running your business.

“The initial integration with our existing data was simple and we now get great results from customers coming in for products they've researched online and are available in their local store.
The easy to manage NearSt Plus options we've found to be very cost-effective and we now use on an ongoing basis. The weekly reports are useful and provide interesting data.”
Lennie Store Owner
For a diversity of retailers
Our technology integrates seamlessly for retailers across a wide range of verticals. All you need is an inventory management system that you’re using to track stock.
Health & Beauty
Nutrition & Supplements
Convenience & Off-license
Hardware & DIY
Sports & Leisure
Bike Shop
Liquor Stores
Stationery & Office Supplies
Home & Garden Centre
Gift and Party Supplies
Toys & Games
Technology & Electronics
Arts & Crafts
Mother & Baby
Fashion & Apparel
Department Stores
What to expect
Shops using NearSt benefit from more local customers shopping with them, with clear measurable benefits.
Attract new customers
Every day thousands of people near your shop look online for products you stock. Show them that you’ve got what they want.
Serve existing customers
Show your products on the sites and apps your customers already use, helping them choose you over an online competitor.
Learn from analytics
Enhance your understanding of what nearby customers want to make sure your business is always stocking the right products.